Inspire Excellence
Through Learning
Pike Coaching & Consulting offers diverse learning opportunities and formats.
Learning options and focused topics
"The foundation of lasting self-confidence and self esteem is excellence,
mastery of your work."
Brian Tracy
Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International
"The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass
yourself and to be worthy of your own approval."
Denis Waitley
Author, Keynote Lecturer, and Productivity Consultant
Parents ~ Teachers ~ Schools
Thank you for visiting this site. Currently, I'm working as a writer and author. I will be conducting new workshops to accompany my children's books.
Please visit the new website.
Excuse the quality. Construction just began.
During these COVID times, any workshop will be held via video conferencing such as Zoom.
At Pike Coaching & Consulting we understand the learning process and design classes and training that are interactive, engaging, relevant, and empowering.
New: Sessions for Parents
Give Your Child An Academic Edge
Parents, you are a child’s first and most important teacher. As your child enters school, some of you may feel that classroom instruction now replaces your teaching role. However, this is clearly not the case. Research shows that parents directly impact their child’s academic success.
(A New Wave of Evidence, a report from Southwest Educational Development Laboratory 2002)
These parent workshops are designed to help you become an effective partner in your child’s education. Learn how to work with schools and give your child an academic edge. The little extra you provide makes a BIG difference. Join us for the next event to boost your child's achievement.
Sessions for Teachers
Interactive ~ Engaging ~ Relevant
These workshops easily transfer to classroom practice, because the skills are in small chunks; they extend a teacher’s existing repertoire; serve
as a reminder; or give a new perspective. All sessions are built on the foundation of what we know is effective professional development. They are designed with a clear purpose, embedded in the work of the classroom, and are engaging. Join the next workshop.
“The noblest search is the search for excellence.”
Lyndon B. Johnson
Please contact us with your ideas or unique needs.
We will design a training session tailored to your request.
Pike’s Coaching and Consulting
Copyright 2011 Ann Pike
By Request
(Minimum of 5 persons per session)
Parent Sessions
Secrets of a Great School Year
Supercharge Your Read Aloud
Raising Remarkable Readers
Teacher Sessions
Create High Involvement Lessons
Teaching With Gender in Mind
Fitting Together Differentiation and a Multi-Tier Support System
A Balanced Literacy Program